Hope and Support Group

Hope & Support Groups provide a safe and confidential space for parents, guardians, and others who are concerned about a loved one’s substance use or addiction. All families are welcomed and encouraged to utilize these services at no cost.
• Free membership
• All meetings have two facilitators, a licensed professional, and a para-professional with lived experience.
• Event information, educational resources, Q&A, and speakers
• 12-Panel Drug Tests for $5.00

Every Thursday rotating through these locations:

Meriden 7:00pm-8:30pm
TriCircle Offices
169 Colony Street
Second Floor, Room 28
Parking and Entrance are located at the back of the building.

Colchester 6:00pm-7:30pm
51 Hayward Avenue
Colchester, CT 06415
Brick building, left door. Lots of on-street parking

Somers 6:00pm-7:30pm
The Story Barn
952 Main St.

Sponsored by TriCircle, Inc., a Connecticut 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded to break the cycle of relapse and recidivism that exists in the current system of addiction recovery.

Phone: 860-349-7074

Web Site: https://tricircle.org/hope-support-groups/