Rapid Survey

Thank you for your interest in the Connecticut RAPID Survey Project. There is not a survey currently open, but you didn’t miss your chance as there will be a series of 8 surveys, each on a different topic, over 2 years.

By completing this interest form, you are verifying that you are a Connecticut resident who is a parent/guardian of a child under the age of six.

You will receive a link to any current surveys and an email from the ECCS and the RAPID Team when future surveys are available. Surveys are offered in 8 languages. You can unsubscribe at any time.


Response to link

  • Please be specific about how you learned about this page. i.e. which store, organization, program, activity.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Note that the ECCS and Stanford Center will run a number of validation checks to ensure that both the interest form and survey respondents meet their criteria and are not spammers.

Survey respondents will receive a $10 gift card for completing each survey, which should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. The gift cards will be emailed 1-2 weeks later by the Stanford Center on Early Childhood’s RAPID Survey team.

The first survey was distributed in May and asked about child care access and affordability. The second survey focused on access to developmental screening and parenting supports.