Early Childhood Consultation Partnership (ECCP)

The Early Childhood Consultation Partnership® (ECCP®) is a state funded program that helps to improve the social-emotional skills of children from birth to age five. There is no cost to the childcare program or families. This is a voluntary program, so teachers, centers and families only receive this service if they would like to.

In their Core Classroom program, master's level ECCP® Consultants partner with directors and teachers to decide which social-emotional strategies to use in the classroom and with any chosen children. Common reasons to call ECCP® include things like supporting children with challenging behaviors, creating new routines or improving transitions. This strengths-based service focuses on helping the teaching team, so they can best support the classroom’s needs. ECCP® is best when used early, before more challenging behaviors occur.

ECCP also offers programs for family childcare providers or in the child's home.

Contact the ECCP consultant assigned to Southington for more information:
Ruth Clark, LMSW
Early Childhood Consultant
Wheeler Clinic, 74 East St, Plainville, CT
T: (860) 461-5035
Or find the ECCP consultant for your town at https://www.eccpct.com/Consultants/

Phone: (860) 704-6378

Web Site: http://www.eccpct.com/