Updated 3/1/2022 Wash your hands, stay home if you are sick, and abide by physical distancing is all good advice during a pandemic but how do you really do that with children at home especially if you need to work? This page has information on health, childcare, supporting children, food, and financial assistance. The ECCS […]
On Tuesday morning, May 23, 2019 the ECCS presented their annual “State of Early Childhood in Southington” update to the community. Joanne Kelleher, Director of the ECCS, gave an overview of the state of early childhood in Southington including birth rates, childcare slots, racial/ethnicity/poverty trends, the number of children who have had a pre-school experience […]
Updated March 13, 2019 The Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington (ECCS) has launched an initiative to reduce stress in early childcare providers. Self-care is necessary to prevent burnout and to remain in an optimal state of well-being. Childcare providers face the combined pressures of caring for children, dealing with co-workers and parents, and meeting regulatory […]
Human relationships are primary in all of living. When the gusty winds blow and shake our lives, if we know that people care about us, we may bend with the wind but we won’t break. – Fred Rogers This quote was shared during the opening Keynote at the 2018 National Association of Childcare Providers conference […]
On Tuesday morning, May 15, 2018 the ECCS presented their annual “State of Early Childhood in Southington” update to the community. David Obedzinski, President of the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain discussed the CFGNB’s First Years First program which provides support to the ECCS and the impact it has had on the community. View […]
On April 26, 2018, the ECCS hosted their second Developing Fine Motor Skills for Kindergarten workshop. The speaker was Sue Spatafore, an Occupational Therapist for the Southington Public Schools. Fine motor skills for kindergarten are required to accomplish a variety of activities including writing, artwork and cutting with scissors. When children don’t have the muscle […]
On March 15, 2018, we hosted a workshop called Pretend Play, Brain Growth and the Outdoors. View the introduction slides from Joanne Kelleher, Director of the Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington. UPDATED: View the workshop slides from Erin Akers, M.Ed., Director of Education and Development, at the Gesell Institute of Child Development, Yale University. Note […]
Joanne Kelleher, director of the Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington, made a brief presentation to the Southington Board of Education on Thursday, January 25, 2018. She provided an overview of the work of the organization and their current funding, presented statistics on the number of young children in town and the number of child care […]