On June 1, 2022, the ECCS hosted their annual “State of Early Childhood in Southington” presentation and breakfast. Over 30 people attended representing the Southington Public School district, elected officials, businesses, non-profit organizations, funders, board members, childcare providers, healthcare and parents. The focus of the meeting was to discuss parent engagement and the results of […]
On February 25, 2022, Joanne Kelleher, Director of Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington, submitted this testimony to members of the State legislature on SB 2 AN ACT EXPANDING PRESCHOOL AND MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL SERVICES FOR CHILDREN. Learn more about this bill on the CT General Assembly site. You can read a summary of the testimony […]
Are you having issues finding childcare? Part of the reason why is that the childcare providers don’t have enough staff. They have empty classrooms they can’t fill and waiting lists. The ECCS Director was interviewed by the Record Journal for this 8/30/21 article, Area child care centers start school year dealing with COVID, staff shortages. […]
On Tuesday morning, May 25, 2021 the ECCS presented their annual “State of Early Childhood in Southington” update to the community. Joanne Kelleher, Director of the ECCS, gave an overview of youth demographics, an update on the ECCS strategic plan, the impacts of the pandemic, the growing shortage in childcare/preschool slots, and other trends faced […]
Updated 3/1/2022 Wash your hands, stay home if you are sick, and abide by physical distancing is all good advice during a pandemic but how do you really do that with children at home especially if you need to work? This page has information on health, childcare, supporting children, food, and financial assistance. The ECCS […]
Updated March 13, 2019 The Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington (ECCS) has launched an initiative to reduce stress in early childcare providers. Self-care is necessary to prevent burnout and to remain in an optimal state of well-being. Childcare providers face the combined pressures of caring for children, dealing with co-workers and parents, and meeting regulatory […]
On May 16, 2017, the ECCS gave a presentation called “The State of Early Childhood in Southington” as part of their annual meeting. Over 25 educators and community leaders attended and the 2017-2018 ECCS Board of Directors were elected. The presentation compared birth rates, childcare slots, the number of children who have had a pre-school […]
Some of Southington’s State Legislators held a Town Hall meeting last night and Joanne Kelleher, the ECCS Director, was there representing the town’s young children. She gave a brief presentation that highlighted the demographics of the town from an early childhood perspective and asked for support of early childhood issues. Here is a more information […]
Updated 11/28/2017 This article has been replaced by an expanded version that discusses both part-day and full-day preschool options. View it here – https://www.southingtonearlychildhood.org/kindergarten-ready/preschool-options/.
Connecticut 2-1-1 Child Care is a free, confidential, and statewide service which helps match the requests of parents and child care providers with programs. Available Monday – Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Dial 211 or 1-800-505-100 or go to www.211childcare.org. Parent resources on their website include: Children’s Growth and Development IDEA Individuals with Disabilities […]