Register: Via Eventbrite
What: This Conscious Discipline seminar will offer solutions for social-emotional learning, discipline, and self-regulation. The goal is to help caregivers reach and teach every child. Once instilled, these essential skills will last a lifetime and positively impact generations to come.
Who: For any parents, guardians, foster parents, grandparents, childcare providers or anyone who cares for a child! Workshop will focus on toddler through early elementary age children. Priority will be given to those who live in Southington and childcare providers who work in Southington.
When/Where: This program will be a combination of two in-person Saturday morning classes for adults and children at First Congregational Church of Southington and three online classes for adults only via Zoom. Participants are asked to commit to all 5 sessions and complete assigned videos between sessions. Adults will receive an eCopy of the Conscious Discipline Participant Workbook. Caregivers will be encouraged to connect with other attendees throughout the course.
The five Conscious Discipline sessions will be held and led by Carolyn Coughlin, formerly the Family Child Care Support Specialist at the Plainville Family Child Care Network.
While the adult in-person sessions are happening, early childhood educators will lead a “Play and Learn” class for young children in a Village Green Nursery School classroom within First Congregational Church. It will be led by Michelle Beauregard, the VGNS director, and Shannon Fitzsimons, the director of the Family Resource Center of Southington, both of whom are on the board of the Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington. Activities will vary based on the ages of the participants but will include make and take projects and story time using the Conscious Discipline materials, and unstructured play time.
Why: Caregivers will learn tools to help stay calm enough to see a child’s misbehavior and upset as a signal to teach instead of punish. Learn evidence based strategies for teaching social-emotional life skills to children. This involves a perceptual shift to help us access the higher centers of the brain in order to problem solve, empathize, teach, and learn. A healthy family = a healthy child.
Conscious Discipline is a trauma-informed, evidence-based social-emotional program from Dr. Becky Bailey that empowers families with skills that create a safe, connected, problem-solving environment. It gives them resources to handle the upset and conflict that comes their way. Register now.
Thank you to the Main Street Community Foundation for funding this project.