Southington is fortunate that there are multiple agencies to support people in need.
For school year 2024-2025, the State of Connecticut is providing funding for breakfast and lunch to be free for those that qualify for free or reduced priced meals. All other students must pay full price for their breakfast and lunch. Free and reduced applications can be submitted anytime during the school year. Application for Free and Reduced-price School Meals, including the family income guidelines, can be found HERE. The completed applications should be sent to the main office of your child’s school. If you have any questions, please contact: Food service office at 860-628-3286 Ext. 21221 or 21220
Located at 31 Vermont Avenue in Southington, Southington Bread For Life provides meals to those in need. Lunch is served at noon Monday-Saturday and dinner is served at 6:00 pm on Wednesday. You are welcome to drop by for a meal in the dining room or to-go during these times. They also run the summer lunch program for youth out of several locations.
Donations are accepted.
Located at 91 Norton Street in Plantsville, Southington Community Services can assist in providing food and other resources to residents in need. They are also in need of donations, including food, clothing and small household items, which can be dropped off at their location between the hours of 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
They offer:
In order to ensure adequate time is provided to discuss your concerns, please call the office at (860) 628-3761 to schedule an appointment. You may need to bring in proof of residency and/or proof of income.
Foodshare Mobile Produce Truck— every other Tuesday 9:00 am – 9:30 am
Non-Perishable Food Pantry—every other Saturday 9:30 am
No residence required—no proof of income required
1445 West Street
Phone: (860) 276-0400
Plate it Forward Southington is based upon the pay it forward model of giving. When you buy a meal for yourself in a participating restaurant, you may also make a second purchase for someone else. The project has support from The Community Foundation of Greater New Britain, Bread for Life, and Southington Community Services.
The paid but “yet-to-be-prepared” meal’s receipt is posted on the Plate it Forward Southington board inside the restaurant where food insecure folks that live among us as neighbors can come to the restaurant and get that pre-paid meal served to them.
If you are hungry and would like a meal, simply go to one of the participating restaurants, pick a slip off the Plate it Forward sign board and bring it to the counter or table. The list of participating restaurants is Fancy Bagels on Queen Street, Paul Gregory’s Bistro Cafe on Center Street, Chik-fil-A on Queen Street, Fancy Bagel Xpress on Buckland Street, Southington Lions Den in downtown Plantsville and Saint’s Restaurant on Queen Street.
Patrons to these restaurants are encouraged to purchase a meal for someone in need.
Learn more about Plate It Forward via The Community Foundation of Greater New Britain at https://cfgnb.org/plate-it-forward-southington/.
In addition to Southington Community Services, energy assistance can be obtained from the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program who will help pay your heating bill – CT.gov/heatinghelp or Operation Fuel at operationfuel.org/gethelp.
Anyone who gets SNAP benefits can receive a discount on their electric bill.
Have you lost your job as a result of the Coronavirus crisis? Connecticut’s Department of Labor encourages all residents who lose their job due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak to file for unemployment benefits. Click HERE to access the site.
There are training scholarships and job placement support available from Capital Workforce Partners. They invest in youth development, develop sustainable career paths for adult workers, and assist employers with a variety of programs and services provided through the American Job Center (AJC) network. They serve clients virtually, by phone and in person.
All American Job Centers are open to the public. Customers can walk in and get services or call to make an appointment (preferred).
Please call 860-406-3374 press 3 to set up an appointment.
Web Site: https://capitalworkforce.org/
Additional resources can be found in the ECCS Resource Directory in the Food, Economic & Social Services category.