The 2018 passage of CT Legislature’s Public Act SB290, known as “Conor’s Law,” says “no child fifteen years of age or under shall operate a bicycle, nonmotorized scooter or skateboard or wear roller skates or in-line skates on the traveled portion of any highway unless such child is wearing properly fitted and fastened protective headgear.”
The helmet must meet the minimum specifications of the American National Standards Institute or the Snell Memorial Foundation.
Parents and other adults are encouraged to be good role models by wearing helmets. For those over the age of 16, helmets can prevent head injuries, the primary cause of death, and disabling injuries resulting from cycling accidents. Medical research shows that up to 85% of cyclists’ head injuries can be prevented by a bicycle helmet. Helmets, especially when white or brightly colored, also increase rider visibility.
Children riding in a bicycle seat should wear a helmet too, but ensure your toddler’s neck muscles are strong enough to support both their head and the helmet before taking them out.
Teach your children the rules of the road. Also, teach them to remove their helmet before using playground equipment or climbing trees so the helmet doesn’t get caught.
Connecticut State Bicycle and Helmet Laws Summary
• Children under the age of 16 must wear a helmet when riding a bicycle, a nonmotorized scooter or skateboard, or wearing roller skates or in-line skates.
• Parents may not authorize their children to violate statutes related to bicycle
travel. In other words, by state law, children under 16 must wear a helmet when
riding a bicycle whether their parents want them to or not.
• During nighttime and times of low visibility, bicyclists must utilize a front light visible
from 500 feet, a rear red reflector or light visible from 600 feet, and reflective
material on the bike visible from 600 feet on each side.
• Bicyclists traveling on roadways have the same rights and responsibilities as
• Bicyclists must stop at red lights.
• Bicyclists must make a complete stop at stop signs.
• Bicyclists cannot ride on the right side of the road into oncoming traffic.
• Bicyclists must use hand or mechanical signals to communicate with other
travelers, but signals need not be given continuously.
• CT State law allows cyclists to ride two abreast but no more than two abreast.
• Motorists must allow a minimum of 3 feet of separation when passing a bicyclist.
• Motorists must provide a minimum of 3 feet of passing area around a cyclist
when emerging from driveways and alleys.
• Bicyclists can ride on sidewalks and in crosswalks but, when doing so, have the
same responsibilities and rights as pedestrians. For example, they need to wait for
the proper crosswalk signal.
Dirt Bikes and All-Terrain Vehicle Laws Summary
• Dirt bikes and ATVs are required to be registered through the Department of Motor Vehicles unless they’re ridden solely on the owner’s private property.
• Riders are prohibited from public roads unless they’re a licensed driver who is only crossing the street.
• A vehicle cannot be registered to anyone under the age of 16.
• Dirt bikes and ATVs are required to have sufficient front and back lighting and reflecting devices.
Connecticut Active Transportation Plan
Bicycle Safety and Training Websites:
League of American Cyclists Safety Courses http://www.bikeleague.org/programs/education
Bike Walk CT https://www.bikewalkct.org/category/resources/
NHTSA Bike and Pedestrian Safety https://www.nhtsa.gov/road-safety/bicycle-safety
Connecticut Bicycle Organizations
Connecticut Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board www.ctbikepedboard.org
Bike Walk Connecticut http://www.bikewalkct.org/
Safe Routes to School https://portal.ct.gov/dot/programs/saferoutes
More Useful Links
National Center for Biking and Walking https://www.pedbikeinfo.org/
Give Respect, Get Respect. Share the Road, Connecticut (pdf)
Bicycles, Pedestrians, and Complete Streets https://portal.ct.gov/dot/travel-gateway/bicycle-and-pedestrians