Are you passionate about issues around young children? We are too. Advocacy is one of the three focus areas of the Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington. But sometimes it is hard to know what to do, how to help, and if it will make a difference.
The Connecticut Project is tracking early childhood related bills in the 2025 state legislative session.
Yale’s Tobin Center for Economic Policy released this report in December 2024: In-Depth Review of CT Budget Guardrails Provides Analysis to Inform Policy.
The Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance hosts an annual Early Childhood Advocacy Day at the State Capital, usually in March during the legislative session.
Childcare for Connecticut’s Future will host the 2025 “A Morning Without Childcare” rallies across the state on May 7, 2025 (with rain date of May 14). Save the date!
Contact us if you would like to join us at one of these events.
The ECCS shares additional advocacy opportunities from the Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance, Childcare for Connecticut’s Future, The Connecticut Diaper Bank, and other state and federal organizations on our social media pages.
Akin, an international law firm, has published the Trump Executive Order Overview.
One step in knowing how to be an advocate is identifying the leaders who have the power to address your issue.
Decision-makers at the National level:
Decision-makers at the State level:
Decision-makers at the Local level:
The Connecticut Office of the Secretary of State shares these resources about civic engagement: PowerofCivics.ct.gov and Civics101.ct.gov. Voting locations and key election dates are at MyVote.ct.gov. Follow the Office on social media at @ctsots.
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center, Inc. (CPAC) is a statewide nonprofit organization that offers information and support to families of children with any disability or chronic illness, age birth to 26. The disability can be temporary, such as a concussion, or life long. They offer a variety of classes and services, including training about how to advocate for your child in the special education system. http://www.cpacinc.org/
On June 16, 2021, Merrill Gay, Executive Director at the Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance joined the ECCS Childcare Provider call and talked about How to be an Advocate. You can view the 2021 Advocacy Workshop PowerPoint presentation or watch the recording.
We learned about these elements of effective advocacy:
On January 17, 2018, the ECCS hosted a free legislative advocacy training session which was taught by Merrill Gay, Executive Director, and Samantha Dynowski, Director of Advocacy and Outreach, at the Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance. Here is their PowerPoint presentation. Advocacy Workshop for ECCS
We learned about:
The examples they used related to children’s issues such as healthcare and the Care4Kids program but the material will be helpful to anyone interested in advocacy.