Update 11/13/2020
So you are home with your children and need to keep them entertained and educated. This page has information on online learning, virtual museum and zoo tours, online classes and what some local organizations are doing. The information will be updated and we will continue to share new finds on our social media pages.
For information on health, childcare, summer programs, supporting children and health, food and financial assistance, visit our COVID-19 and Children article.
Southington Public Library – The Library offers access to books, audio, and magazines online. You can also order materials and class materials for pickup. As of late September the Library is open for in-person visits. Check out their Facebook page. If you are a Southington resident visit the Southington Library website and look for Digital Resources under the Services tab at the top of the page. If you don’t have a Southington Library card, complete this brief form to get your temporary card. Library staff will follow up with you within 24-48 hours or less to provide you with a temporary e-Resource card that will give access to our curated collection of digital resources.
Kids may want to check out the Tumble Book Library for storybooks, videos, language learning, puzzles and games
Miss Molly is offering online stories that recreate a library storytime for your child filled with songs, books, and lots of fun on their Southington Kid’s Place Facebook page and on their Youtube Channel.
Southington Community Cultural Arts – SOCCA is giving project ideas and teaching on their Facebook page. They will occasionally make art supplies available for pickup at their center and are now offering in-person classes.
Circle of Friends – They are sharing videos and ideas for making music on their Facebook page. In-person classes started in August.
Infinity Music Therapy Services – They are offering a wide variety of interactive streams via their Facebook page @infinitymusictherapy. They have musical bedtime stories each night, and sessions to get you up and moving, making your own instruments, meditating, and more. They can schedule in-person sessions outside at their studio or your home.
Meigs Point Nature Center – Offering free programs from Hammonasset State Park on Tuesday to Fridays at 11 am and 2 pm via their Facebook page @MeigsPointNatureCenter.
Music with Ms. Virginia – Join Ms. Virginia from YWCA Child Care in New Britain, CT as she brings her classroom music into your homes in hopes of sharing the value music and creative arts has in building skills in all areas of children’s development. Be sure to each check each video’s description which includes each song lyrics, movements, skills developed, learning activities, etc.
Don’t forget to get outside. The ECCS Resource List includes the local Outdoor Spaces. The Town parks and playgrounds are currently open. Learn more in the our COVID-19 and Children article.
ABCMouse/Adventure Academy/Reading IQ – ABC Mouse is for kids as young as two years old up through the 2nd grade. Adventure Academy is intended for 3rd grade through 8th grade. Reading IQ supports reading levels from preschool children to those in the 6th grade. You can sign up for a free 30-day trial. Just remember to cancel before the trial is up if you do not want to be charged the subscription fee.
ABDO – Free access to ABDO’s digital products through June 30:
Grades PreK-2 ABDO Zoom Online Databases
Grades PreK-8 Online Digital Library
Grades 5-12 Online Digital Library
Audible – Audible is offering this collection of titles for all ages (littlest listeners, elementary, tween, tween, plus “classics”). Includes titles in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese.
Boardmaker Activities-to-Go – Free, printable activities for students in K-12.
Book Creator – For ages 5-18.
Bound to Stay Bound – Educational resources for at home learning
BTSB has assembled a resource page for librarians, educators, and parents. Content areas include authors (offering free books, read-alouds, activities), publishers (free resources), educational websites, virtual tours, fun activities, and professional development.
Breakout EDU – A collection of digital games that students can play at home for grades K-12.
Community of Learning – The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) and its wonderful content providers have come together to provide core curriculum every day of the week for homebound students in grades K-6th. Beginning March 23rd we will offer, free of charge, interactive, live-streamed programs from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm Eastern time. The programs are delivered by our highly professional content providers.
Circletime – Kids Classes from Home. Watch on-demand or participate live. Learn and bond with your 0-6 year old.
Junior Library Guild – FREE access to the JLG Digital online reading platform, with eBook collections for elementary, middle, and high school students. Unlimited access from any device, no limit to the number of users.
PBS KIDS’ weekday newsletter – available while schools are shut down. The newsletter will include activities and tips to stay busy at home!
Scholastic – Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing. For grades K-12
Even when schools are closed, you can keep the learning going with these special cross-curricular journeys. Every day includes four separate learning experiences, each built around a thrilling, meaningful story or video. Kids can do them on their own, with their families, or with their teachers. Just find your grade level and let the learning begin!
BookFlix (PreK-3) – https://digital.scholastic.com/site/launch/bkflix?ucn=642726498
TrueFlix (Grades 3+) – https://digital.scholastic.com/site/launch/tfx?ucn=642726498
ScienceFlix (Grades 5+) – https://digital.scholastic.com/site/launch/sfx?ucn=642726498
Watch & Learn Library (Prek-3) – https://digital.scholastic.com/site/launch/watchandlearn?ucn=642726498
Storyline Online – Children’s literacy resource featuring the world’s best storytellers reading books aloud. Each video includes an activity guide with lessons for K-5 students to do at home.
Virtual Learning and Engagement Resources for Educators and Parents – The COVID-19 pandemic has led to school closures to keep teachers, staff, and students safe. Authors and publishers are providing educators and parents with a variety of tools for engaging with kids—everything from storytime hours to art lessons. Posted on the site, We Are Bookish
Google Arts & Culture – Google Arts & Culture partners with thousands of museums and galleries to provide high-definition images of artworks, 360° videos, experiments, and more!
Yellowstone National Park Tours
Smithsonian’s National Zoo Animal Cams
National Aquarium Virtual Tour
Monterey Bay Aquarium Animal Cams
Access Mars – Access Mars lets you explore Mars as recorded by the Curiosity Rover.