Mobile Crisis Intervention Services
Mobile Crisis Intervention Services serves children and adolescents experiencing a mental health crisis.
It can help youth avoid the negative consequences that can result from mental health crises (such as juvenile arrests) and can help address issues in young children while they are still young.
By dialing 2-1-1 and, when prompted, pressing ‘1’ for ‘crisis’, and then “1” again for “Mobile Crisis” police can gain access to Mobile Crisis’ 14 teams of nearly 150 trained mental health professionals across the state that can respond immediately, face-to-face or by phone, to help manage the child’s behavioral or emotional crisis.
This could include a child threatening to harm themselves or others and uncontrolled anger or aggression.
Note that even preschool children can benefit from these services.
In Connecticut, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) provides these crisis services for children and youth through the Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Service (EMPS).
Phone: Call 2-1-1, then pick 1 for crisis and 1 for mobile crisis
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