Town Resources
Resources for parents and educators in Southington, Plantsville, Marion and Milldale
2-1-1 Child Development Infoline
The 2-1-1 Child Development Infoline supports children’s healthy growth and development, starting from pregnancy.
They provide services related to:
•Child development screening and questions
•In-home support
•Developmental delays and disabilities
•Special Education
•Special health needs
Their programs include:
•Ages and Stages – questionnaires provide a fun, interactive way to understand the many changes a baby or young child goes through.
•Birth to Three – supports families in meeting the developmental and health-related needs of their infants and toddlers who have delays or disabilities.
•Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs
•Early Childhood Special Education – Referrals to local school districts
•Healthy From Day One
•Help Me Grow
•“Learn the Signs. Act Early” – aims to improve early identification of children with autism and other developmental disabilities, so children and families can get the services and support they need.
•Pregnancy Supports
Phone: 2-1-1 or 1-800-505-1000
Web Site:
ABC – Adjustment to Baby Challenges Support Circle
Free support group for mothers expecting and with new babies.
Circle meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Babes in arms are welcome to be brought to this group, as well as young walkers at your discretion. No childcare is available onsite at this time.
Call for Information: (860)490-3120 Amanda Salvo, Facilitator for ABC
(860)385-1574 Jackie Levin, LMFT, MF, MA, Facilitator
BE here Now Yoga & Fitness Studios, 134 Elm Street
Web Site:
ACES – Advocacy, Commitment, Excellence, Service
Mission: Dedicated to enhancing and transforming lives through education, innovation, and leadership.
Vision: To create an equitable and socially just world, one life at a time.
ACES dedication to better serve its community is exemplified by the wide array of services and programs offered. These include adult and vocational programs, interdistrict programs, Open and Magnet School Parent Choice programs, Minority Teacher Recruitment initiatives, behavior services for individuals on the autism spectrum, occupational/ physical therapy, professional development, and technology services.
Web Site:
American Academy of Pediatrics
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is an organization of 67,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
Web Site:
American Society for Deaf Children
The American Society for Deaf Children (ASDC) serves families with deaf children. Because more than 90 percent of Deaf children are born to hearing parents, ASDC has made it their mission to help those parents learn American Sign Language (ASL) so their whole family can communicate and connect with their Deaf child.
Web Site:
Autism Families CONNECTicut
Autism Families CONNECTicut was founded in January 2010 by a group of parents, grandparents and family members who recognized that there were limited weekend recreational and social activities specifically targeted to children on the autism spectrum in Connecticut. Initially, to fill that gap, the focus was on providing programming for children on the spectrum, ages 5-12. While still the focus, programming has since expanded to include preschoolers ages 3-5, teens ages 13-19, and young adults ages 20-29 on the autism spectrum, as well as siblings and parents when appropriate.
Programs are locally based, high quality, low cost, accessible to families and run by professionals. Every program is held in a safe, non-judgmental environment, designed to encourage children, teens, and young adults who attend to have fun, get active and make friends. Most programs are primarily on the weekends and are multi-week long.
600 North Mountain Road
Phone: (860) 474-3444
Web Site:
Autism Services and Resources CT
For over 20 years, ASRC has held to the ideal that everyone deserves to live their best life possible. This belief guides ASRC’s mission: to provide lifelong access to opportunities for persons on the autism spectrum with the goal of being fully-included and participating members of their communities. ASRC is a non-profit that serves as Connecticut’s resource for autism services and supports.
101 N Plains Industrial Rd
Phone: (203) 265-7717
Web Site:
Autism Village
Applying Internet and Mobile technologies to provide a globally accessible platform which helps the autism community to manage practical day to day problems. Their goal is to improve the futures of all people with autism by making daily life more navigable.
Web Site:
Ben Was Here
Ben Was Here provides assistance for asthma-related prescription costs to families with limited insurance coverage.
109 Churchill St
Web Site:
Bethany Kate Wellness
Bethany Kate Wellness is based in Southington and provides wellness and birth services to pregnant people throughout Connecticut. Birth doula services include emotional, physical, and informational support throughout pregnancy as well as continuous labor support. Massage appointments are available for Prenatal and Postnatal periods. Private prenatal and restorative yoga sessions in the studio or in your home.
Bethany Wallace, CPYT, LMT, Certified Birth Doula
Web Site:
Bikers Against Child Abuse
Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc. (B.A.C.A.) is an organization that exists to provide aid, comfort, safety, and support for children that have been sexually, physically, and emotionally abused. They are dedicated to the principle that one of the basic rights of childhood is to be safe and protected, and when the child’s family or environment have failed them, they stand ready to provide it to them.
B.A.C.A. is a strong organization of dedicated individuals who are willing to sacrifice any and all in order to protect and secure a child’s basic right to a happy childhood.
Connecticut Chapter
Phone: Help Line: 860-420-7388
Web Site:
Birth to Three
The Birth to Three program offers early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities, ages birth up to age 3, and their families.
This system was created by federal legislation known as the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Part C of IDEA is the Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. The mission of the Connecticut Birth to Three system is to strengthen the capacity of Connecticut’s families to meet the developmental and health-related needs of their infants and toddlers who have delays or disabilities.
Funding for Birth to Three is administered by the Office of Early Childhood (OEC).
Phone: I have questions about Birth to Three 1.800.505.7000 I’m in Birth to Three 1.866.888.4188
Web Site:
Bread for Life
Bread for Life helps ensure no one in Southington goes hungry.
-Lunch Program - Hot meals are prepared and served at Bread For Life at noon daily, Monday through Friday. After a full-course meal, each client receives a take-home bag dinner.
-Meal Delivery for the Homebound - Bread For Life provides hot lunch and cold bag dinner weekdays to homebound residents who qualify in our community. We also deliver groceries on Friday for weekend meals to those who are unable to leave their homes.
-Senior Services - We serve a group lunch twice weekly to all residents of Southington Housing Authority communities and Section 8 housing. These group lunches give seniors an opportunity to share a meal in community twice each week.
-School Breakfast Program - We have collaborated with the Southington Board of Education to ensure that breakfast is available to students in all Southington public schools.
-Children’s Summer Program - Bread for Life provide a lunch program for children in low-income neighborhoods and to children who receive free or reduced hot lunch during the school year.
31 Vermont Avenue
Southington, CT
Phone: 860-276-8389
Web Site:
Capital Workforce Partners
Do you need help finding a job, changing careers, or getting the training you need to move ahead?
Are you an employer needing to find immediate quality talent?
There are training scholarships and job placement support available from Capital Workforce Partners. They invest in youth development, develop sustainable career paths for adult workers, and assist employers with a variety of programs and services provided through the American Job Center (AJC) network. They serve clients virtually, by phone and in person.
All American Job Centers are open to the public. Customers can walk in and get services or call to make an appointment (preferred).
Please call 860-406-3374 press 3 to set up an appointment.
New Britain American Job Center
260 Lafayette St., New Britain, CT 06053
Phone: 860-899-3500
Fax: 860-827-6210
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:45 pm
Closed every other Friday
Bristol American Job Center
Bristol AJC at Tunxis Community College
430 North Main St., Bristol, CT 06010
Phone: 860-899-3620
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Phone: 860-406-3374 press 3 to set up an appointment.
Web Site:
Care 4 Kids – Connecticut’s Childcare subsidy
UPDATE: The eligibility income guidelines increased from 50% to 60% of the State Median Income as of July 1, 2021.
Care 4 Kids helps low to moderate income families in Connecticut pay for child care costs. This program is sponsored by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood.
Several childcare centers and camps in Southington accept the Care 4 Kids subsidy. They are identified in the ECCS Resources listing or call 211 to identify participating providers.
To participate in the program, there are certain eligibility requirements for parents, children and child care providers.
Families must:
- live in Connecticut;
- be working or attending a temporary family cash assistance (Jobs First) approved education or training activity; and
- meet the program’s income requirements.
Children must:
- live in Connecticut; and
- be under age 13, or if the child has special needs, be under age 19.
Providers must:
- be licensed by the CT Office of Early Childhood (unless exempt from licensing); or
- be a relative, like a grandparent; or
- take care of the child in the child’s home.
Phone: 1-888-214-KIDS (5437)
Web Site:
Center for Disease Control & Prevention
The Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) is the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health. For more than 70 years, they've put science into action to help children stay healthy so they can grow and learn; to help families, businesses, and communities fight disease and stay strong; and to protect the public’s health.
Web Site:
Center for Pediatric Therapy
For over 20 years, CPT has continued its commitment to the children in our community by providing one-on-one occupational, speech, and physical therapy services specifically designed for your child’s needs. Whether your child has difficulty sitting still, mastering handwriting, struggles with speaking or understanding, or is bothered by sensory stimuli (sounds, food, clothing), CPT can help! Therapy sessions are play-based and child-directed to the extent that children do not even realize that they are participating in therapy. Our parents are amazed at the tasks in which clinicians are able to engage their children. Center for Pediatric Therapy’s goal remains to support, guide, and educate not only the children but parents and educators as well to facilitate success. If you have noticed that your child struggles with typical everyday activities, please give us a call. We participate with major insurance carriers.
2360, 101 N Plains Industrial Rd # 2
Phone: (203) 949-9337
Web Site:
Child First
Child First™ is a no-cost intensive, therapeutic home visiting program that works with parents and families to help address emotional, behavioral or developmental challenges, as well as learning problems in young children, birth to 6. This program includes a comprehensive assessment of child and family needs; observation and consultation in early care and education; parent-child mental health intervention; development of a child and family plan of care; and care coordination and case management. Interventions are designed to support the parents/caregivers in their role as loving protector and promoter of healthy development of the child.
Contact the ECCS for referral information.
Web Site:
Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs
Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) is for young people with chronic physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional condition and require health and related services beyond that required for children the same age.
Services may include:
- Service needs assessment
- Family Caregiver support
- Respite Planning
- Links to medical home initiative
- Transition Planning
- Regional Community Care Coordinators meetings
Call 211 Child Development (1-800-505-7000) and talk with a care coordinator
Web Site:
Common Core State Standards
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are a set of academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy that are grounded in evidence and designed to ensure that all students have the academic knowledge and skills they need in these core subjects to succeed after high school. The CCSS were developed in a state-led process under the leadership of governors and chief state school officers with participation from 48 states. The process included the involvement of state departments of education, districts, teachers, community leaders, experts in a wide array of fields, and professional educator organizations.
Web Site:
Community Residences, Inc.
CRI is a Connecticut based, not-for-profit human services organization that provides residential, day, and community support services to children and adults.
Community Residences, Inc. (CRI) is a Foster Care & Adoption agency contracted by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families. We serve children who have been abused, neglected, and have experienced trauma; children who have behavioral and emotional needs above and beyond those of the “average” child.
CRI offers a number of Adoption & Foster Care services:
- Therapeutic Foster Care programs care for children ages 6 and older in the DCF system. At this time, CRI is actively recruiting for families willing to foster/adopt children 11 and up. Although CRI does receive referrals for under the age of 11, it is a rarity, and there is a dire need in the State of CT for families willing to work with older children.
For more information please email:
- Family and Community Ties program
- Supervised Visitation services
- Placement and Post Placement Services
- Post Adoption Support
50 Rockwell Road
Phone: (860) 621-7600
Web Site:
Connecticut Clearinghouse
A Library and Resource Center providing information on substance use and mental health disorders, prevention and health promotion, treatment and recovery, wellness, and other related topics.
334 Farmington Avenue
Phone: 860-793-9791 or 800-232-4424
Web Site:
Connecticut Family Support Network
Connecticut Family Support Network (CTFSN) helps families raising children with disabilities and special healthcare needs through out their life. CTFSN provides direct support to individuals and families in their homes and communities by sharing information and resources that empower people to make their voices heard and to become their own best advocate.
377 Hubbard Street #1
Phone: 1 (860) 744-4074
Web Site:
Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
The Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC) oversees a network of early childhood care, education, and development programs. Focusing on the first years of children’s lives, from birth to age five.
Phone: 860-500-4412.
Web Site:
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center, Inc. (CPAC) is a statewide nonprofit organization that offers information and support to families of children with any disability or chronic illness, age birth to 26.
Services and Programs include:
•Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center
•Family Connections
•Collaboration Between Families and Schools
•Real Transition Partners
•Next Steps
•Training for Parents and Professionals
Phone: (860) 739-3089
Web Site:
Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund
Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF) is a statewide nonprofit organization that advocates for and empowers women and girls in Connecticut, especially those who are underserved or marginalized. We work to create an equitable society where women and girls thrive.
CWEALF provides FREE legal information, bilingual assistance, in-person assistance, referrals to attorneys, and referrals to community agencies.
75 Charter Oak Ave
Hartford, CT
Phone: (860) 524-0601
Web Site:
Cornerstone Counseling Center
Cornerstone Counseling Center offers in person and telehealth psychotherapeutic services to kids, adolescents, adults, couples and families presenting with a wide variety of needs. Medical management is available.
Additional locations:
630 Main Street
Plantsville, CT 06479
45 S Main Street, Suite 200
West Hartford, CT 06107
966 S Main Street
Plantsville, CT
Phone: 860-863-1001
Web Site:
CT After School Network
An initiative of the Connecticut Network for Children and Youth, Inc.
The CT After School Network provides communication about after school issues through avenues such as; a quarterly newsletter, website, regional workshops and conferences. They also provide access to training, technical assistance, professional development for after school professionals and a comprehensive resource library.
The CT After School Network advocates for additional state and federal investment in after school programs by communicating with policy makers about how after school programs serve young people and our communities. They also advocate for families and communities by listening to communities needs in towns and cities across the state by raising public awareness about the importance of after school programs.
Connect new and existing after school networks at all levels: local, regional, state and national. Connect after school programs and providers to training, research, curriculum and best practice resources.
75 Charter Oak Avenue, Bld. 2, Suite 2-101
Phone: (203) 483-1846
Web Site:
CT Department of Children and Families
Working together with families and communities to improve child safety, ensure that more children have permanent families, and advance the overall well-being of children is the central focus of the Department of Children and Families (DCF). DCF protects children who are being abused or neglected, strengthens families through support and advocacy, and builds on existing family and community strengths to help children who are facing emotional and behavioral challenges, including those committed to the Department by the juvenile justice system.
DCF provides numerous services including;
Adolescent Services
Child Protective Services
Exit Plan/Positive Outcomes for Children
Foster and Adoption Services
Juvenile Services
Mental Health Services
Medical Health and Wellbeing Services
Substance Use Services
Region 6, One Grove Street, 4th Floor
New Britian,
Phone: 860-832-5200
Web Site:
CT Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side
Guide By Your Side (GBYS) is a FREE parent matching program, linking parents of children throughout the state who have been newly identified as hard of hearing, deaf, or deaf blind with trained and experienced "Parent Guides."
Parent Guides offer:
- A supportive relationship with another parent of a child who is deaf or hard of hearing
- Unbiased information regarding communication, education, and technology options
- Connect parents to resources available locally, regionally, and statewide in order to effectively link families to early intervention services
Web Site:
CT Sex Offender Registry
The Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection strives to keep the children of Connecticut safe each and every day. The Sex Offender Registry is another important resource that families can use to protect their children and those they care for from individuals with problem sexual behaviors.
Information on the Sex Offender Registry changes frequently and the public is encouraged to keep track daily of changes in your community by signing up for the free e-mail notification system. The service provides for you to be notified automatically by e-mail when a registered sex offender moves within your neighborhood.
Web Site:
CT State Dental Association
The Connecticut State Dental Association (CSDA) is a statewide, professional membership organization representing Connecticut licensed dentists. This is not a state government organization or provider of dental services. However, CSDA members do participate in health fairs and other charitable dental outreach programs throughout the year. The purpose of the CSDA Community Outreach programs is to educate Connecticut residents about the importance of oral health.
CSDA provides dental hygiene clinics, referrals for dentists (including those who take Medicaid), classroom resources and more.
835 West Queen Street
Phone: (860) 378-1800
Web Site:
CT State Department of Education
The Connecticut State Department of Education is the administrative arm of the Connecticut State Board of Education. Through leadership, curriculum, research, planning, evaluation, assessment, data analyses and other assistance, the Department helps to ensure equal opportunity and excellence in education for all Connecticut students. The Department is responsible for distributing funds to all Connecticut public school districts. The Department also operates the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System.
450 Columbus Boulevard
Phone: 860-713-6543
Web Site:
CTParenting provides articles about various parenting topics.
Web Site:
DO-IT Academic Accommodation Resources for Students with Learning Disabilities
DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) serves to increase the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs such as those in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of Washington, and the U.S. Department of Education. DO-IT is a collaboration of UW Information Technology and the Colleges of Engineering and Education at the University of Washington.
Web Site:
Early Childhood Consultation Partnership (ECCP)
The Early Childhood Consultation Partnership® (ECCP®) is a state funded program that helps to improve the social-emotional skills of children from birth to age five. There is no cost to the childcare program or families. This is a voluntary program, so teachers, centers and families only receive this service if they would like to.
In their Core Classroom program, master's level ECCP® Consultants partner with directors and teachers to decide which social-emotional strategies to use in the classroom and with any chosen children. Common reasons to call ECCP® include things like supporting children with challenging behaviors, creating new routines or improving transitions. This strengths-based service focuses on helping the teaching team, so they can best support the classroom’s needs. ECCP® is best when used early, before more challenging behaviors occur.
ECCP also offers programs for family childcare providers or in the child's home.
Contact the ECCP consultant assigned to Southington for more information:
Ruth Clark, LMSW
Early Childhood Consultant
Wheeler Clinic, 74 East St, Plainville, CT
T: (860) 461-5035
Or find the ECCP consultant for your town at
Phone: (860) 704-6378
Web Site:
Exceptional Family Needs Program
Support for military families with special needs family members is provided through the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). Although each Service has its own EFMP, they all serve the same essential function: coordinating the assignment process to ensure special needs families are not sent to locations that lack adequate medical or educational resources. Installation EFMP programs offer support programs and provide families with information about and referral to local services. Enrollment in the EFMP is mandatory for active duty service members who have dependent family members with ongoing medical, mental health, or special educational needs.
Web Site:
Family Enrichment Center at The Hospital of Central Connecticut
The Hospital of Central Connecticut's Family Enrichment Center helps families achieve parenting goals through a blend of services.
The Family Enrichment Center provides services to enhance parent child interaction via, groups and one-on-one connections, in your home and/or virtually.
The Family Enrichment Center services are modeled after the nationally recognized evidenced based Parents as Teachers curriculum. Parents as Teachers curriculum is designed to support families in learning more about child development, health and safety, and getting their child ready to start school. Parents as Teachers services can start any time before the child starts kindergarten, including during a parent’s pregnancy. These services reach pregnant women, expectant fathers, and parents and caregivers of children under the age of 5.
The Family Enrichment Center services also include Parenting Connections. Parenting Connections are groups that include topics on parenting, relationships, development, nurturing, discipline and creative play experiences.
The Family Enrichment Center services also include specifically designed supports for our fathers. These services vary from small-group conversations about parenting, to in-home or virtual support and one-on-one coaching. Our Father Involvement Parent Educator can work individually with fathers to help navigate a shared role in parental involvement.
HHC New Britain General Campus, 32 Hawkins Street
New Britain,
Web Site:
Family Forward Advocacy CT
Family Forward Advocacy CT is dedicated to supporting families raising children with early developmental trauma (EDT), attachment disruption, and those formed through adoption. FFACT develops parent partnerships and strengthens family integrity practices across child-serving systems. We build awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact they have on children and their families, and we empower the voices of parents committed to both parenting thru trauma and advocating for change.
Advocate Services - Direct Services to Parents & Defense Attorney Coordinated Support
Advocacy Training - Empower Your Voice to Advocate for your Child's Special Needs; Public Policy Reform ACTion Planning, Coaching & Organizing
Education - Therapeutic Parenting Live Discussions & Webinars; Activate Your Voice Advocacy Planning Course and Parent Mentoring; Parenting Thru Trauma Podcast
Information and Resource Sharing, News, Links, Talks, and Partner Introductions
Connection - Professional Representation and Clinical Services Referrals
Outreach - Provider Partnership Services and Parent Support Group
Networking - Federal Child Welfare Public Policy Reform Action Opportunities in concert with Family Forward Foundation, the Family Forward Project, and the Grandma Warriors
99 Whispering Brook Drive
Phone: 860-505-0548
Web Site:
Fatherhood Monthly Support Group | The Hospital of Central Connecticut
Monthly fathering opportunities to connect with other fathers, explore partnering relationships and learn more about your child. Father groups are free and confidential and offered on a virtually safe platform for fathers.
Family Enrichment Center (Lower Level), 32 Hawkins Street
New Britain,
Phone: 1-855-442-4373
Web Site:
FAVOR provides family-focused, advocacy-based, and culturally sensitive community services that improve outcomes and family well-being.
Programs and Service include:
- Family Peer Support Program
Providing direct peer support services to families with children who have medical, mental, or behavioral health challenges.
- Family Systems Management Program
Increasing program effectiveness and fostering family involvement in decision-making about policies and practices.
- Learning and Leadership Academy
Empowering families through workshops and trainings.
- CT Medical Home Initiative (MHI)
Ensuring that children and youth with special health care needs have access to coordinated quality health care services.
185 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield
Phone: (860) 563-3232
Web Site:
Food Program USDA
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management.
They have a vision to provide economic opportunity through innovation, helping rural America to thrive; to promote agriculture production that better nourishes Americans while also helping feed others throughout the world; and to preserve our Nation's natural resources through conservation, restored forests, improved watersheds, and healthy private working lands.
Web Site:
Giving Back Food Pantry at Tabernacle Church
Foodshare Mobile Produce Truck— every other Tuesday 9:00 am - 9:30 am
Non-Perishable Food Pantry—every other Saturday 9:30 am
No residence required—no proof of income required
1445 West Street
Phone: (860) 276-0400
Web Site:
Grants and Resources for Families with Special Needs
A list of resources for grants for medical equipment such as wheelchairs or adaptive bikes, grants to help with medical costs, wish organizations and other ways you can brighten up your child’s day as compiled on the "Joyful Journey Mom" site.
Web Site:
Handwriting Milestones & Early Learning Services
Handwriting Milestones & Early Learning Services aims to provide a fun and enriching environment for preschool-aged children through grade 5. Their focus is on building foundational skills necessary for school success, with a particular emphasis on kindergarten readiness skills and handwriting development. The owners are Occupational Therapy Practitioners who work in a local public school system who saw a need for these services.
Apple Valley Plaza, 360 North Main Street, Suite 5
Southington, CT
Phone: 860-479-2001
Web Site:
Heart Start Training Institute, LLC
Heart Start Training Institute offers courses that instill the knowledge, skills, and most up to date information required to recognize and respond to medical emergencies. They offer Heart Start Certification courses and, when ARC certifications are required, American Red Cross Certification courses for both initial and renewal certifications.
Courses are available online, in person, and via their hybrid training method, which combines online work with hands-on skill sessions.
Heart Start Certifications (in-person only)
- Adult, Child & Infant First Aid/CPR/AED Initial & Renewel Certifications
- Babysitter's Basics Course (ages 11-15)
- Babysitter's Training Certification (ages 11+)
- Babysitter's Training with First Aid/CPR/AED Certification (ages 11+)
American Red Cross Certifications (Online, hybrid, or in-person)
- Adult, Child &/or Infant First Aid/CPR/AED Initial & Renewal Certification
- Online Babysitting Basics (ages 11-15)
- Babysitter's Training Certification (ages 11+)
- Babysitter's Training with First Aid/CPR/AED Certification (ages 11+)
Phone: (860) 480-7939
Web Site:
Help Me Grow CT
Help Me Grow CT is a FREE statewide program run by the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) that serves children and their families starting from pregnancy. It connect Connecticut children and their families to community services and resources related to child health, behavior, development and learning. This includes:
- Connections to community-based programs and services
- Connecting community providers with networking and training opportunities
Call 211 Child Development (1-800-505-7000) and talk with a care coordinator.
Web Site:
Hop Brook Counseling Center
Hop Brook Counseling Center is a group or licensed mental health practitioners of varying specialties and can provide support to individuals and families of all ages and mental health needs.
They have video telehealth sessions for those who are seeking support, but are following social distancing guidelines and are not able to come into our offices. They have therapists available to provide counseling as well as a nurse practitioner who can provide more thorough psychiatric evaluations for those in need. This can all be done from the comfort and safety of the patients own home. All providers are in-network with Aetna, Anthem BC/BS, Cigna and Husky health networks*.*(individual telehealth coverage may vary) Patients can self refer directly by calling 860-259-4282 or by emailing
1187 Queen St
Phone: 860-259-4282
Web Site:
Hope and Support Group
Hope & Support Groups provide a safe and confidential space for parents, guardians, and others who are concerned about a loved one’s substance use or addiction. All families are welcomed and encouraged to utilize these services at no cost.
• Free membership
• All meetings have two facilitators, a licensed professional, and a para-professional with lived experience.
• Event information, educational resources, Q&A, and speakers
• 12-Panel Drug Tests for $5.00
Every Thursday rotating through these locations:
Meriden 7:00pm-8:30pm
TriCircle Offices
169 Colony Street
Second Floor, Room 28
Parking and Entrance are located at the back of the building.
Colchester 6:00pm-7:30pm
51 Hayward Avenue
Colchester, CT 06415
Brick building, left door. Lots of on-street parking
Somers 6:00pm-7:30pm
The Story Barn
952 Main St.
Sponsored by TriCircle, Inc., a Connecticut 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded to break the cycle of relapse and recidivism that exists in the current system of addiction recovery.
Phone: 860-349-7074
Web Site:
Husky Health CT
Husky Health CT is health insurance for low-income families. They provide additional services related to access to health care.
Web Site:
Klingberg Family Centers
Klingberg Family Centers is a private, nonprofit multi-service agency providing help to thousands of persons across Connecticut each year. Our goal is to extend hope and healing to children and families whose lives have been traumatized by abuse and/or neglect in its various forms, severe family problems and mental health issues. Through an array of group care, special education, foster care and community programs, children and parents are given the encouragement and skills they need to function more effectively at home, in school and in their community. The main campus is located in New Britain, Connecticut. They also offer a wide range of community services from the office in Hartford.
Klingberg Family Centers promotes and ensures equality, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work. We are committed to eliminating all discrimination and value our diverse workforce, client population, and community.
370 Linwood St
New Britain,
Phone: General Information (860) 832-5503
Web Site:
Lactation Services of Southington
Lactation Services of Southington provides private lactation consultations in your home for you and your new baby from pre-natal through weaning. They offer breast pump rentals and sales They also host a mother-to-mother breastfeeding support group for mothers and babies called Milk Mates which meets once a month in the morning and evening, and a Baby Weigh and Stay clinic.
Patrice Jones,, PAC, IBCLC,
Southington, CT
Phone: 860-385-1655
Web Site:
Lee Ann Dangelo, MBA, CRG
Coaching by Lee Ann Dangelo - Navigating the Parenting Journey Together
As a parenting coach inspired by The Three Principles by Sydney Banks, I am passionate about helping families uncover their natural health and resilience throughout their parenting journey. I also work with teenagers who face various social-emotional stressors, guiding them back to their innate wisdom and providing them with the tools to navigate their challenges.
Understanding Coaching
Coaching is a transformative process that unlocks deeper insights into our thoughts, feelings, and mental well-being. Just as we prioritize physical health through regular check-ups, mental health check-ins are essential for recognizing subtle shifts in our emotional state. Coaching provides a supportive space to reflect and realign your mental state, addressing stressors before they escalate. By prioritizing mental well-being, you can navigate life with greater clarity and ease.
What Makes Coaching Different?
Coaching provides a supportive space to reflect and realign your mental state, addressing stressors before they escalate. Unlike therapy, which often delves into past experiences, coaching aims to equip individuals with practical tools and insights in real-time to enhance their deep listening skills and strengthen their connections.
If you’re ready to embrace your parenting journey or support your teenager with more ease and confidence, I am here to guide you every step of the way.
Coaching services are provided in 1:1 session either in person or via Zoom.
Phone: 203-530-7341
Web Site:
Literacy Volunteers of Central CT
Since 1978, Literacy Volunteers of Central CT (LVCC) has offered adults free tutoring to improve their English reading and writing skills. Each year they serve approximately 400 persons, individually and in small group settings, including parent and child groups. The 15 central Connecticut towns they serve include Southington, and tutoring can be scheduled at a convenient public location such as the Southington Library.
20 High Street (3rd flr. of New Britain Public Library)
New Britain, CT
Phone: Toll Free 1-877-603-7323 or (860) 229-7323
Web Site:
Maika, Inc. provides access to safe shelters and other required support services to victims of domestic abuse and violence among the immigrant population of all origins, especially South Asian and Middle-Eastern communities. Maika supports women to be autonomous through a full array of assistance measures including emergency shelter, transitional housing, education, counseling, assisting with job search and legal aid.
Phone: 203-777-0455
Web Site:
Medication Drop Box
Southington Police Department lobby (24 hours a day), For disposal of unused and expired medication.
69 Lazy Lane, Southington,
Phone: 860-276-6275
Web Site: http://
Mobile Crisis Intervention Services
Mobile Crisis Intervention Services serves children and adolescents experiencing a mental health crisis.
It can help youth avoid the negative consequences that can result from mental health crises (such as juvenile arrests) and can help address issues in young children while they are still young.
By dialing 2-1-1 and, when prompted, pressing ‘1’ for ‘crisis’, and then “1” again for “Mobile Crisis” police can gain access to Mobile Crisis’ 14 teams of nearly 150 trained mental health professionals across the state that can respond immediately, face-to-face or by phone, to help manage the child’s behavioral or emotional crisis.
This could include a child threatening to harm themselves or others and uncontrolled anger or aggression.
Note that even preschool children can benefit from these services.
In Connecticut, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) provides these crisis services for children and youth through the Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Service (EMPS).
Phone: Call 2-1-1, then pick 1 for crisis and 1 for mobile crisis
Web Site:
National Program for Playground Safety
The National Program for Playground Safety (NPPS) leads projects that increase quality and safety of play environments for the health and well-being of children. They offer comprehensive training to educators and advocates, undertake collaborative projects that improve research and support the development of best practices regarding safe and inclusive play environments, and advocate for policies that improve the quality of programs and the lives of children.
Web Site:
Next Steps Parent Support Group
The Next Steps Parent Support Group is for parents of children with special needs in the Southington area and is a place to bring questions, find support and take part in general discussions on topics relevant to family caregiving. Next Steps connects family caregivers directly to other family caregivers to share information. The group meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at The Summit in Plantsville.
For more information about the support group, contact Lori at or Carrie at
261 Summit St
Plantsville, CT 06479
Web Site: http://
Office of the Healthcare Advocate
OHA focuses on assisting consumers in making informed decisions when selecting a health plan; assisting consumers to resolve problems with their health insurance plans and tracking trends of issues/problems, which may require administrative or legislative intervention, or advocacy with industry, the public, or other stakeholders.
Contact OHA for assistance with inquiries involving:
- healthcare insurance enrollment, coverage or billing questions
- claim denials or pre-authorization issues
- explanations regarding a healthcare benefit, program or coverage
- an assessment of the healthcare plans offered in Connecticut
- your rights and responsibilities as a healthcare plan member
- referral and pre-authorization procedures required by your healthcare plan
- your healthcare plan’s internal and external appeals processes
Phone: 1-866-466-4446
Web Site:
On-line Parenting Classes via Southington Public Library
Universal Class offers over 500 online continuing education courses, including parenting skills such as basic parenting, behavior management, positive parenting techniques, early childhood development, and many more.
Visit and click on Services to get started.
Web Site:
Paper Crane Birth Services
Vanessa E. Hawke, CCCE
Maternal Support Practitioner (Trained, Bebo Mia)
Based in Southington, serving all of Connecticut
Doula support - Informational, emotional, and physical support throughout pregnancy, labor, and birth.
Childbirth education - Private, custom childbirth classes tailored to fit your needs.
Southington, CT
Phone: (860) 384-7532
Web Site: http://
Peaceful & Prenatal
Helping mamas find their breath, balance, and strength during pregnancy and postpartum to feel empowered and in control of their journey.
Class offerings include:
Prenatal Yoga
Baby&Me Yoga
Postpartum Yoga
Private Group Classes
Returning Winter 2022:
Gentle Yoga
Mama Yoga
Guided Meditation
Classes held at Soul Space in Plantsville.
Web Site:
Perspectives Center for Care, Inc.
Perspectives Center for Care, Inc. is a non-profit agency dedicated to the well-being of individuals, families and communities. We strive to provide the most effective forms of therapy through research and state of the art programs.
The agency provides behavioral health, substance use and medication services to children, adolescents and adults.
Services, which are available in 6 languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish and Croatian) include:
Counseling Services
Reunification Services
Intensive Outpatient Program
Substance Use Services
Medication Management
Parenting Programs
Group Counseling
Developmental Services
Pet Assisted Therapy
Case Management Services
Services for Victims of Abuse & Violence
Bristol ∼ Waterbury ∼ Meriden ∼ Danbury,
Phone: (860) 276-3000
Web Site:
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation’s largest provider of sex education.
Planned Parenthood offers a wide variety of services including Birth Control, STD Testing and Treatment, Mental Health, Pregnancy Testing and Planning, Prenatal and Postpartum Services, Gender-Affirming Care, and more! Services may be available in person or through telehealth.
There are over a dozen clinic across the state with the closest locations being in Meriden, West Hartford, Waterbury, and Hartford.
Web Site:
Postpartum Support International Connecticut Chapter (PSI CT)
The mission of Postpartum Support International Connecticut Chapter (PSI-CT) is to promote awareness, prevention and treatment for perinatal wellbeing throughout Connecticut.
They are currently meeting virtually.
Web Site:
Project Search CT
Project SEARCH provides training opportunities that assist individuals with intellectual disabilities obtain careers in a community-based, integrated and competitive setting.
Web Site:
PROUD: Parents Recovering from Opioid Use Disorders
PROUD serves pregnant and postpartum women with substance use disorders, including opioid use disorder, in the Greater Hartford and New Britain areas.
PROUD teams will complete a family needs assessment with eligible women and their household members to create a plan to address individual and family needs around: substance use and mental health treatment, connections to medical providers (including prenatal care), employment, housing, and recovery support.
Web Site:
Prudence Crandall Center
Prudence Crandall Center, Inc is the oldest domestic violence program in Connecticut. PCC offers comprehensive services to women, men, and children who are victims of domestic violence and is the only domestic violence program serving these nine Connecticut towns: Berlin, Bristol, Burlington, Kensington, New Britain, Plainville, Plymouth, Southington, and Terryville.
594 Burritt Street
New Britian, CT
Phone: 860-225-5187
Web Site:
Safe Connect CT
Concerned about an abusive situation? Reach out to Safe Connect Connecticut, the statewide domestic violence hotline that covers 18 member programs, including the Prudence Crandall Center. They receive the calls, do a thorough assessment of needs, emotional support, safety planning, and options, and then, depending on what the clients are searching for, they may provide help obtaining counseling/support groups, shelter, housing assistance, basic needs.
Call (888) 774-2900, email or chat at
Phone: (888) 774-2900
Web Site:
Safe Haven for Newborns
The CT Safe Havens Act For Newborns is a law that allows anyone to safely drop off a newborn baby, within the first 30 days of life, to any hospital emergency room in Connecticut, without being subject to arrest for abandonment.
The closest Safe Haven drop-off points are at the Hospital of Central CT Bradley campus on Meriden Ave, Bristol Hospital, and Midstate Medical Center.
Web Site:
Safe Kids
Safe Kids Worldwide is a global nonprofit dedicated to protecting kids from preventable injuries, the number one cause of death to children in the United States and a global epidemic around the world.
Safe Kids works with more than 400 network members in the U.S. and partners in 33 countries to keep kids safe at home, on the road and at play. They educate families, raise awareness, create safer environments and advocate for improved laws to protect children.
Web Site:
SEPI-CT (Substance Exposed Pregnancy Initiative of Connecticut) works with both providers and families across Connecticut to bring awareness to substance exposure during pregnancy, and to ensure families have access to the treatment, recovery, and support resources they need.
Web Site:
SERC, State Education Resource Center
SERC, the State Education Resource Center, is a quasi-public agency established under statute to serve the CT State Board of Education in supporting educational equity and excellence. They do this by providing professional development and information dissemination in the latest research and best practices to educators, service providers, and families throughout the state, as well as job-embedded technical assistance and training within schools, programs, and districts. The agency maintains the Special Education Resource Center and SERC Library in addition to its broader responsibilities, including the support to programs and activities regarding early childhood education and school improvement.
In collaboration with the CSDE Bureau of Special Education, SERC continues to design, coordinate, and implement special education programming to support educators, leaders, youth, and families.
SERC, in collaboration with the CT Tech Act, has established an Adaptive Technology demonstration site and lending library.
SERC's library provides a collection of research, reference, and instructional materials and resources for children and adults related to education and social service needs. It continues to serve educators, families, college and university students, and other interested residents seeking resources and professional learning that supports educational equity and excellence for all K-12 students. View their catalog at
175 Union Street
Waterbury, CT
Phone: (860) 632-1485
Web Site:
Sesame Street Autism Resources for Parents
Sesame Workshop is a nonprofit on a mission to help kids everywhere grow smarter, stronger, and kinder.
Web Site:
Southington Behavioral Health Resource Directory
The Southington Behavioral Health Resource Directory, a comprehensive guide to behavioral health and community resources in Southington, is available online at the Connecticut Clearinghouse website, as well as through the Town of Southington, Southington Public Library, Plainville-Southington Regional Health District, Southington Youth Services, and Southington Community Services.
This directory includes comprehensive information about local behavioral health resources, including outpatient and inpatient care for children, adolescents, and adults, as well as details about confidential assessments, short and long-term counseling, psychotherapy, family therapy, and mental health treatment.
The directory also includes information about accessing transportation and food as well as new information regarding drug collection drop boxes, treatment for opioid misuse, health services and advocacy.
The directory, part of the Southington Health Outreach Project, is a collaboration between the Bradley H. Barnes & Leila U. Barnes Memorial Trust at Main Street Community Foundation and Wheeler Clinic.
Web Site:
Southington Community Services
Southington Community Services offers support services to Southington residents, and connects them with the appropriate providers. They serve as a link between private providers, human services and governmental agencies.
In order to insure adequate time is provided to discuss your concerns, please call the office at (860) 628-3761 to schedule an appointment. You may need to bring in proof of residency and/or proof of income.
Services include:
Food Pantry, including diapers and personal hygiene items
Donations of new and gently used clothing and other items
Energy Assistance
Holiday Programs: Community Services provides assistance to qualified Southington individuals and families through various holiday programs.
Summer Camp
Parks and Recreation Summer Camp
Emergency Assistance
Rent/Mortgage Assistance
Assistance with State Programs
Free Income Tax Preparation
Women, Infants & Children Program (WIC) assistance via Bristol Health
91 Norton St
Phone: (860)-628-3761
Web Site:
Southington Farmer’s Market
The Southington Farmer's Market is held late June or early July thru late September/early October every Friday from 3 pm to 6 pm.
The Southington Farmers Market is a CT GROWN market. This means all the produce and products are either CT grown or made with Connecticut products. Some of the farmers accept SNAP.
Benefits of purchasing products at the Southington Farmers Market:
- Local food supports the local economy. The money that is spent with local farmers and producers stays close to home and is reinvested with businesses and services in your community.
- Buying Local means you get access to the tastiest, nutrient-rich produce, because it is picked fresh and Local, at the peak of its flavor.
- Buy Local products means a reduction in your carbon foot print, make you a responsible member of our community.
- Local growers can tell you how the food was grown. You can ask what practices they use to raise and harvest crops.
, The Town Green, Main Street
Web Site:
Southington Town-wide Effort to Promote Success
Southington Town-wide Effort to Promote Success (STEPS) is leading Southington's charge against substance abuse. They work to inform the community about risky behaviors, while also striving to limit access, and promote policy change.
196 North Main St
Phone: (860)-276-6285
Web Site:
Southington Youth Services
Southington Youth Services provides resources and a voice for youth including:
Parent Information Series
Juvenile Review Board
Babysitting Certification Class
CPR classes
When I'm In Charge classes for young teens
Kristen's Kloset, prom dresses, accessories and support for high school students
Hope and Support Group for parents whose children are struggling with addiction or learning to live without substances
Youth Volunteering Program
196 North Main St
Phone: (860)-276-6281
Web Site:
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, better known as the WIC Program, provides supplemental foods, health care referrals, nutrition education, and breastfeeding promotion and support to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.
Southington Community Services hosts one of the part-time satellite sites to register for WIC.
Who is eligible?
- Pregnant women (through pregnancy and up to 6 weeks after birth or after pregnancy ends).
- Breastfeeding women (up to infant’s 1 st birthday).
- Non-breastfeeding postpartum women (up to 6 months after the birth of an infant or after pregnancy ends).
- Infants (up to 1st birthday). WIC serves 45 percent of all infants born in the United States.
- Children up to their 5th birthday (fathers, grandparents, foster parents or other guardians may apply for WIC for their children).
What are the benefits?
- Individual time to speak with a nutritionist or trained professional about your diet or your child's diet.
- Breastfeeding support and information.
- Opportunity to meet and talk to other moms with young children.
- Referrals to health care and other social service programs.
- An eWIC card to buy healthy food for you or your children.
Web Site:
Talk It Out CT
For parents and caregivers who need someone to listen, to understand, and to talk your feelings out.
Engage with trained professionals who will listen and speak with them about their concerns; if additional help is needed, they will be referred to community-based services. The "Talk It Out Line" is available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 8 pm and on weekends from 1 pm to 8 pm and has both English and Spanish capacity.
Phone: 1-833-258-5011
Web Site:
The Center for Children with Special Needs
The Center for Children with Special Needs (CCSN) is an interdisciplinary clinic specializing in the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of people with complex neurodevelopmental disabilities, focusing especially on children with autism and related disorders. To answer the growing needs of our community, CCSN now offers a full spectrum of care with new clinical treatment offerings through CCSN Behavioral Health.
Some of their services include intake and assessment, intervention services, individual and group/family therapies, specialized treatment clinics, social skill play groups, family training and support, occupational therapy, and more.
New (spring 2023) - Executive Functioning Clinic (outplacement) which provides services to children, adolescents and young adults with executive functioning deficits, ADHD, and disruptive behavior disorders and their families.
New - Educational Consultation for programs, agencies, teachers/staff, families. Can do behavior assessment, occupational therapy and professional training.
Glastonbury and Farmington,
Phone: 860-430-1762
Web Site:
The Cove Center for Grieving Children
The Cove Center for Grieving Children specializes in helping children and adolescents who are grieving the death of a significant person in their life. This non-profit offers free child-focused, family support groups, a "Good Grief" school program, professional development, a weekend camping experience and community outreach.
1113 A South Main Street
Chesire, CT
Phone: 203-634-0500
Web Site:
The Parent & Child Center at Bristol Hospital
The Parent & Child Center at Bristol Hospital offers a variety of services.
- Parent Support Center - Families can "drop in" during program hours to discuss struggles and challenges in their lives or use the Resource Library
- The Caring Closet offers basic need items – diapers, wipes, baby food, clothing and other baby items – to low-income clients.
- The Nurturing Families Network provides assistance and support to new, first-time parents during pregnancy and beyond, by answering questions, providing tips on how to care for your baby and yourself, and offering information on community resources that can help you.
- The Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) Family Enrichment Services provides in-home parenting education that increases parenting skills using tools designed to assist in gauging monthly progress.
- The Family Life Works Program provides parenting education and child development classes throughout Connecticut.
- The Family Wellness Program’s goal is to prevent childhood obesity by promoting family nutrition and healthy physical activity for low-income families.
- Home-Based Parent Education Services for families who are either not appropriate for group-based classes or need additional services.
9 Prospect Street
Phone: 860.585.3481
Web Site:
Tunxis CC Public Library
Tunxis Community College has a public library which includes a children's department. Using a library card from any town in CT you can check out books, movies or music in several languages. They even have ukuleles.
View their Early Childhood Education and Children Resource catalog.
The Tunxis Early Childhood Professional Educators also have their own library in the Tunxis Early Childhood Education department. Childcare providers can contact Joyce at 860-773-1344 for access.
View their Lending Library catalog.
271 Scott Swamp Road
Farmington, CT
Phone: 860.773.1300
Web Site:
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) works to save lives and keep families safe by reducing the unreasonable risk of injuries and deaths associated with consumer products and fulfilling its vision to be the recognized global leader in consumer product safety.
- Issuing and enforcing mandatory standards or banning consumer products if no feasible standard would adequately protect the public;
- Obtaining the recall of products and arranging for a repair, replacement or refund for recalled products;
- Researching potential product hazards;
- Developing voluntary standards with standards organizations, manufacturers and businesses;
- Informing and educating consumers directly and through traditional, online, and social media and by working with foreign, state and local governments and private organizations; and
- Educating manufacturers worldwide about our regulations, supply chain integrity and development of safe products.
Web Site:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPA presents providers, parents and government agencies with resources to identify and reduce children’s exposure to pollutants that may be present in child care facilities.
Web Site:
UConn Child and Family Development Program
The Child and Family Development Program at UConn Health’s Southington location serves Southington children ages 6-17 and their parents and guardians. They provide services, support, and education aimed at:
•Strengthening parents’ skills and capacity to support their children’s social and emotional health and development.
•Providing families with educational resources related to children’s social and emotional health and development.
•Providing training in evidence-based assessment and treatment to school-based providers.
•Parent Groups
Programs include:
•Summer Drop-in Parent Consultation Service for parenting and/or child behavior questions.
•Managing Children’s Behavior – This is an 8-week parenting group for parents of youth ages 6-11 whose noncompliant behavior happens more than their peers, interferes with home life, and causes the child or parent distress.
•Tuning in to Teens® – This is a 10-week parenting group for parents of youth ages 12-17.
•Tuning in to Kids® – This is a 10-week parenting group for parents of children ages 6-11 to improve their child’s emotional, social, and behavioral functioning. It also focuses on improving communication in the parent-child relationship.
•Support Group for Parents of Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
1115 West Street
Phone: 860-523-3725
Web Site:
Wheeler Clinic
Wheeler is a community health center, providing addiction services and drug treatment, behavioral and mental healthcare, and primary care, as well as a wide range of specialty care. Their outpatient locations are in Hartford, Bristol, New Britain, Waterbury, and Plainville, Connecticut, and more than 100 community-based programs cover the entire state.
Programs for Children and Adolescents include:
Pediatrics and Dental Care
Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
Early Childhood
Crisis Services
Congregate Care
Youth Justice Services
Family & Child Welfare
Prevention Resources for Individuals and Families
Walk With Me - specialized outpatient treatment track for LGBTQ+ identifying people of all ages who are seeking therapeutic, medical and/or peer support to address their specific needs. They offer Gender Exploration Group meetings for ages 11 to 17 and for ages 18 to 35.
They also offer Centers of Excellence - Addiction and Child & Adolescent Services and Foster Care Programs.
Through a grant, Wheeler had a dedicated Community Health Outreach Coordinator for Southington.
Phone: 888-793-3500
Web Site:
Wrights Law
Parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.
Web Site:
YWCA New Britain’s Sexual Assault Crisis Service
YWCA New Britain's Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS) covers a 46-town region, including Southington. They offer assistance to sexual assault survivors and their loved ones. These services are critical after such trauma, helping victims and their families regain feelings of independence, optimism, and hope. The advocates on staff are trained to work with hospital staff, the court system, public safety officers and other counselors assisting their clients.
SACS offers free, confidential service for victims of sexual assault, including:
24-hour English and Spanish confidential hotlines with immediate access to trained, certified counselors
Bilingual, female and male counselors
Short-term, individual crisis counseling
Support groups
Counseling in school settings. Children may be referred by school faculty or parent/guardian.
Accompaniment throughout medical, police, and court procedures
Information and referrals
Campus advocacy and training
Volunteer opportunities and state certified counselor training
YWCA New Britain, 19 Franklin Square
New Britain, CT
Phone: English: 1-888-999-5545, Spanish: 888-586-8332
Web Site: