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There is a layer of ice on the ground but the days are starting to get longer and the calendar is filling up for this spring. The One Book – One Community event around The Anxious Generation starts on February 25th. You can sign up for any of the three sessions. As discussed in our January newsletter, registration is now open for summer camps and preschool - spots are filling quickly. The Kindergarten Registration process starts on March 11th and continues through the May/June. This issue of our newsletter includes details about upcoming community events, the new Southington Behavioral Health Resource Directory, Earned Income Tax Credits, advocacy opportunities, research on safe sleep practices for babies and some awards. |
Awards |
There are two awards we are celebrating this week. Congratulations go to the ECCS Board Chair, Rachel Wardwell, for being recognized by Calcagni Real Estate with their Community Involvement Award. The ECCS received the Youth Development Award from the Southington Community YMCA at their 96th Annual Meeting and Awards Celebration on February 19th. The ECCS was represented by their Executive Director, Marketing Coordinator, Parent Ambassadors and Board Members. This award is "presented to an individual or group who have worked to nurture the potential of youth and/or teens." Thanks to everyone who has partnered with us to make this organization successful! Ion Bank's Community Awards Program will allow each of their customers to vote for their favorite non-profit organization to help the Ion Bank Foundation give away up to $100,000. When you vote for the Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington, we will receive a $25 donation from the Ion Bank Foundation for every vote! If you are an Ion Bank customer, please visit https://cap.ionbank.com/CAP/CAP.aspx to vote by March 3, 2025. |
Safe Sleep - Preventing SIDS/SUID |
Recent research from Virginia Commonwealth University and Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU reports between 1999 and 2022, infant mortality in the United States decreased by 24.2%. This improvement signals progress in neonatal care and safe sleep practices. However, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics revealed a concerning trend: mortality rates from Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) rose by 11.8% from 2020 to 2022. One of the possible explanations identified in the study is the effect of social media on infant sleep practices. As caregivers, it is important that we understand safe sleep practices that can help reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and SUID. Key Safe Sleep Recommendations:
Following Safe Sleep guidelines and staying informed about recent research can help reduce the risk of SIDS. Awareness and education are essential, so share this information with friends and family to ensure every baby has a safe and restful sleep. Learn more about Safe Sleep: https://www.southingtonearlychildhood.org/safe-sleep/. |
Behavioral Health Resources |
The ECCS website has lots of information about mental and behavioral health. One free resource that is helpful to parents & early childcare providers is the Early Childhood Consultation Partnership. This state-funded program offers a variety of in-person & telephonic consultation services to promote children’s social & emotional development for children birth to age 5. The fourth edition of the Southington Behavioral Health Resource Directory is officially complete, and hard copies are now available. The ECCS will be bringing copies to future events plus you can find them at the Library, Town Hall, Bread for Life and other locations. The online version is linked from the ECCS site and can be accessed here: https://www.ctclearinghouse.org/southingtonmhdirectory. |
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) |
The earned income tax credit (EITC) is a refund from the federal government for working people. It is one of the largest programs for people and families to build their financial cushions in the United States. The EITC Campaign is a collaboration between The Connecticut Project, United Way of CT, and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Network that aims to back file taxes for CT residents who have not yet claimed their tax credits and benefits. You can back file for 3 years so you can claim EITC for all of those years including 2021 which because of the expanded COVID credit, is expiring on April 15, 2025. Nearly $150M is still on the table for people to claim from 2021 alone. There are two main criteria to be eligible: 1) earned income less than $63,000; 2) Valid SSN, You can file for FREE—filing or money received from the EITC will not impact your benefits. Check if you are eligible at https://ctproject.org/eitc and set an appointment with a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance site. |
Advocacy |
The legislative session is underway. In the Governor's budget announcement he talked about funding Universal Preschool (UPK). This UPK would be via a mixed delivery system, i.e. licensed centers and family childcare and not just via the public schools, and will launch in 2028. There are lots of outstanding questions and things will develop as the budget is passed and the OEC designs the policies to implement this. Here is a tracker of the various bills relating to childcare that was set up by SEIU. Bills include Early Care and Education, and workforce development and insurance for the childcare industry. Here is a tracker of the various bills. Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington has information about How to Advocate on our website, including how to view bills or contact elected officials and presentations about how to advocate. |
ECCS Events |
We hope you will stop by and see us at the ECCS Office Hours at the Southington Public Library in the Children's Department on Tuesday, March 4 from 9 am to 12 pm. Tiny Tots storytime, intended for children 0 to 2 years old with their favorite adult and siblings is at 9:30 and Little Listeners storytime for children ages 3-5 is at 10:30. Learn more about the library programs and register at https://southington-ct.whofi.com/calendar. We plan to hold Office Hours at the Library or Farmers Market twice a month. The Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington, Southington Public Library and Southington Public School District are partnering on a 3-night book discussion of The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness. This One Book – One Community event happens across three nights in the Southington Public Library's Community Room.
Register for one, two or all 3 sessions via the Southington Public Library at https://southington-ct.whofi.com/calendar/event/311098. The Kindergarten Registration Information presentation will be held on March 11, 2025 at DePaolo Middle School. with enrollment opening the following day. Check-in starts at 5:30 pm, and the presentation will begin at 6 pm. There is no pre-registration required. The snow date is March 18th. The Kindergarten Readiness Workshop will be held on Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 at 6:30 pm, check-in starts at 6:15. Pre-registration is required at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/southington-kindergarten-readiness-workshop-2025-registration-1207900566109 The ECCS is also planning a Community Cafe and our annual "State of Early Childhood in Southington" presentation for later in the spring. |
Spring Community Events |
Mark your calendar for these community events. The ECCS will be exhibiting at all of them.
More details will be shared at www.southingtonearlychildhood.org/events/ and our social media channels. |
Ways You Can Support ECCS |
1) Follow us on your favorite social media platforms and then like, comment, or share so your friends see our posts too! 2) Forward this email to a friend or colleague. 3) Volunteer your time as a board member or advocate. 4) Help with one-time or periodic donations. |
About Us |
The Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington is a group of committed educators, parents, grandparents, healthcare and childcare providers, business owners, civic organizations, and members of the community who are deeply invested in the growth, development, and academic success of young children in Southington. |
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Copyright © 2025 Early Childhood Collaborative of Southington, all rights reserved. |